Sunday, April 26, 2020

Birx: U.S. needs a 'breakthrough' on antigen testing to aid in re-opening

WASHINGTON — Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, told NBC News' "Meet the Press" Sunday that while the coronavirus trends give her “great hope” for slow re-openings over the next few months, many of the social distancing measures that have upended American life will be a constant fixture through the summer.
And, while President Donald Trump and many governors press to re-open the economy, Birx said the U.S. needs a “breakthrough” on coronavirus testing to help screen Americans and get a more accurate picture of the virus’ spread

Friday, April 17, 2020

The coronavirus came out of a Chinese laboratory with HIV DNA"

The title of the video in French: Le coronavirus est sorti d’un laboratoire chinois avec de l’ADN de VIH

Translated to "English": The coronavirus came out of a Chinese laboratory with HIV DNA"

why is Facebook allowed to censor and deprive me and others of our 1st amendment rights, Essentially blocking a Citizen Journalist from Spreading TRUTHFUL information, But allows the Main Stream Media to spread lies hourly.

This is the same thing he does to manipulate, rig and influence elections worldwide, except now he is helping a Foriegn Nation to cover its lies and Incompetence, That resulted in over 150,000 Deaths of innocent Humans.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Did Communist China unleash Virus to distract US?

It's looking more and more like the virus was a distraction by the Communists so they could attempt an invasion or attack in the Caribbean & South China Sea. Another Cuban missile crisis. The virus ITSELF is an invasion that Trump called the "invisible enemy."

For years, Communist China has built military bases in and off the coast of Venezuela, owns US ports, controls the Panama Canal, is partnered with the drug cartels, launders their money, funds their terrorism and uses their drug & human trafficking network to routinely invade America.

South Dakota pork plant closes after over 200 workers contract Covid-19

Saturday, April 11, 2020

3 types of the CCP virus are spreading; Chinese province plans to add 52...

Rep. Nunes: Trump assembling second coronavirus task force to reopen eco...

April 10, 2020: Senator Cotton Joins Bill Hemmer

Whoa. Did you catch what Arkansas senator Tom Cotton just laid out there?
China shut down all forms of commercial travel from Wuhan China to any other locations in China while allowing unrestricted flights out of Wuhan to any other place on earth. There’s only 1 reason 4 that.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Walmart will limit customer entry beginning Saturday

Beginning Saturday, Walmart will limit the number of customers allowed in a store at the same time. Stores will allow no more than five customers for each 1,000 square feet at a given time, roughly 20 percent of a store’s capacity.

Born on the Bayou (HD)