Friday, February 28, 2020

Coronavirus: US government test kits are faulty and 'cannot be relied upon', New York reports

New York City has reported the government-issued tests are faulty and "cannot be relied upon to provide an accurate result."

"Testing for coronavirus is not available yet in New York City," city Department of Health spokeswoman Stephanie Buhle told ProPublica. "The kits that were sent to us have demonstrated performance issues and cannot be relied upon to provide an accurate result."

The test was developed by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention earlier in February. This genetic test was sent out to 100 state and city labs, in addition to overseas sites. 
Reports indicate, though, that fewer than a dozen labs have produced definite results when using the test. Only the CDC and labs in Illinois, Idaho, Tennessee, California, Nevada, and Nebraska were able to run tests. 
New York state and New York City are now moving forward to develop their own coronavirus test.


A 3D atlas of the universe - Carter Emmart

Coronavirus Epidemic Update 28: Practical Prevention Strategies, Patient...

Oregons 1st case a school employee

Oregon Health Authority press release on the state's 1st case of coronavirus. Appears to be locally acquired. The school the patient works at will be closed.

Coronavirus Shopping Survival Guide

A comprehensive guide on what to shop for this week before you are locked down or quarantined. Complete checklist at the end! (Okay maybe later, I’m really tired!)

Dont forget to get essential meds and vitamins as well as Toiletries, Cleaning supplies, And necessary health items such as gloves, Masks, etc.

survival supply list

My advice is to get twice as much, as much as you will consume in a 2-3 month period, focus on non perishables, like canned meats, beans, rice, Learn to live without fresh meat for a while.This is what a Los Angeles Costco grocery looks like right now.

Italy refuses to test for Coronavirus, unless you are showing symptoms

#Italy making the SELFISH decision to NOT test anyone exposed to #Coronavirus - rather ONLY those showing symptoms. Given that people are contagious before being symptomatic, WHY are we allowing ANYONE into OUR country from Italy?! #SARS-CoV-2 #CoVid-19