Tuesday, December 22, 2020

China in Focus (Dec. 22): Virus Outbreaks on the Rise Across China

Coronavirus cases are on the rise in China. More lockdowns, mass virus testing and public space closures across the country.

Vaccine 100 million doses of domestic vaccines for Chinese people. And another 100 million doses will be imported from Germany, maybe for another group.

How corrupt are Chinese officials? Their embezzled money could fill the trillion dollar gap of China’s pension fund. And the list of corrupt officials could replace the country’s rich list.

Hong Kongers freedoms diminished greatly over recent months, due to the new National Security law. Attacks are happening in broad daylight.

And the data of Americans is in the hands of the CCP. Zoom gives its user data to the Chinese regime, so the company can stay in the country’s huge market.

Read more HERE 

Turmeric, Frankincense & Myrrh: Benefits + DIY Oil Recipe JoJoButter An...


Were the three wise men really herbalists?  They brought gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh and gold (thought to have been Turmeric), three very powerful medicinal plants.

Thousands of years ago spices were more valuable than gold. Spices were an important component of ancient commerce, monopolized for centuries by the Middle East and North Africa. 

 The traders guarded the locations of the spices with elaborate stories of great creatures that defended the spices.

Spices were not just used for cooking; they were also used for perfume making, embalming the dead, and preserving meat and in traditional medicines.

Wars were fought over the spice routes and the territories.

Frankincense, Myrrh and Turmeric were incredibly valuable in Jesus’s time and are still very valuable for medicinal uses today.

Frankincense (Boswellia serrate)

Frankincense opens the mind.  It is valued for its specific effect on the spiritual center connected with the pituitary and hypothalamus gland.

Frankincense is anti-inflammatory so good for inflammatory digestive issues. It reduces pain and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis

Frankincense helps to improve circulation, improves blood flow to the joints.  It has been traditionally used to relieve pain and arthritis. It helps speed the healing of broken bones.  

Frankincense is excellent for the female reproductive system.  It is used for uterine congestion, fibroids, cysts and painful periods with clots.

For the male reproductive system it helps to bring blood to the penis and improve erectile function.

Myrrh (Commiphora molmol)

Myrrh can be used as a mouthwash or as a gargle for sore throats, tonsillitis and gingivitis.

Myrrh can be used on cuts, wounds and slow healing skin sores, bruises and broken bones.

Myrrh can protect the stomach lining from damage from drugs and alcohol.

It is good for stimulating the lymphatic circulation, reducing lymphatic congestion, inflammation, lymphedema and lymphatic swellings.

Myrrh is also good for the female reproductive system due to its circulation simulating properties.  This moves stagnant blood so is useful where there is a lack of periods, endometriosis or fibroids and painful periods with clots.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

What doesn’t turmeric help us with? Turmeric’s actions include being antioxidant, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, analgesic, anti obesity and anti-carcinogenic.

Turmeric is a powerful anti-oxidant that protects against damage from free radicals.  It enhances immunity and protects against cancer, especially colon and breast.

Turmeric aids in digestion and absorption and metabolism. It stimulates bile flow from the liver, helps with detoxification and protects the liver from damage.

Turmeric is very good after a course of antibiotics to regulate gut flora.

Read more HERE