Saturday, March 7, 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020

point of no return

United states 316 cases

case rise has hit an exponential point of no return, It will run its course unleashed
we should be at a thousand or more confirmed cases within 96 hours

The first picture is today at 6 pm, 2nd picture, 3-3-2020 6 pm, 3rd 2-28-2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Coronavirus outbreak expands to 18 states

Patients in 18 states have tested positive or are presumptively positive for the spreading coronavirus as public health officials race to get ahead of the growing worldwide epidemic.
Officials in Nevada, New Jersey, Tennessee and Texas said they had identified new cases in the last 24 hours, adding to an outbreak that has infected at least 162 people nationwide. 
There are worrying signs that the number of cases is poised to grow