Wednesday, February 26, 2020

CDC Says Americans Should Brace for 'Significant Disruptions' Amid Warnings Coronavirus Could Infect 40-70% of Global Population

Nils Gilman

"If 40-70% of humanity ends infected with covid-19 (of which 30-70% are asymptomatic), and the death rate (for the symptomatic) is 1-3%, then the total fatalities worldwide for coronavirus will be between 10m and 100m, and between 400k and 5m in the United States". 

Juan Gaspard  
"70% of the world population is5.5 billion, with a death rate of 6% due to lack of resources meds and overloaded medical systems = 328 million dead, 1/23 of the population, and thats a Moderate number, if it goes to 15-25% due to starvation disease and pestilence, that number will turn into almost 2 billion, and this is not inconceivable, Think Africa, Think South America, Indonesia, Venezuela, Croatia, The Ukraine, Bulgaria, these small poor nations with Socialized healthcare".

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